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A Browncoat in need!

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:16 am
by DrummDragon
Hey guys, what's up. So I'm trying to start a Browncoats Club at my college in Salem. The problem is that they think it would be too expensive to get the copyrights to have a Charity screening of Serenity. I need help. I need to know who to contact to get the copyrights, how I can get it for fairly cheap (less than $500), and anything else you all can tell me about putting on a Charity screening, and what I have to do to accomplish it.

Please, help a fellow Browncoat out.

-Trevor Latal

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:31 pm
by Stoweaway
Ni hao, Trevor

So glad to hear you want to hold a Serenity charity screening. You've come to the right place. The short answer to your licensing question is $250 flat rate to show Serenity.
The long answer is that price is only good if it is shown at a movie theater and the film copy should be procured by the theaters Universal rep.
Are you planning to show the movie as part of the Can't Stop the Serenity event next summer? Are you guys raising money for Equality Now or a local charity? And, forgive my curiosity, but which Salem? C'mon, give us the scoop.
If you're interested in joining the CSTS efforts, there's a new "Buddy System" being put into place for next year. It will pair new cities/organizers with a seasoned veteran who can help you navigate some of the tougher details of planning such an event.

Welcome aboard.
